
The images showcased on Hugot.ph are attributed to their respective creators and have been sourced from various online platforms believed to be in the public domain. We, as a community, do not assert any copyright over the content displayed here, especially the images, most of which are contributed by our users. Therefore, we rely on your assistance in verifying the original sources of these images.

If you hold the copyright to any material on Hugot.ph and believe it infringes upon your rights, please get in touch with us. Upon receiving your communication, we will either credit your work by linking to your portfolio/site (if you are the author) or promptly remove the material from our site after receiving adequate proof of your ownership and proper identification. Alternatively, we will work with you to find a suitable solution to resolve any conflict.

Hugot.ph does not assert ownership or copyright over any stories posted on the site unless explicitly claimed by us. Some content, such as images, videos, and audio, may be hosted on third-party streaming sites, forums, and other external websites. It's important to note that Hugot.ph is not responsible for the content on these external sites or for their availability. The content on these third-party sites is beyond our control.

Please note that some images on Hugot.ph are our original designs. While you can share these images, we request that you do not remove or edit the Hugot.ph signature/name to maintain respect for their ownership.